Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Happiness. Right now I am very happy. I have so many things going for me at this point in time. I am doing well in school, I just performed with my band to a sold out show this past weekend, I am talking to a beautiful girl I have so much in common with, and I am healthy! This past weekend I had forgotten how much fun it was to perform in front of a crowd. I play heavy metal so I enjoy seeing the crowd react by headbanging, starting moshpits, and stage diving. Seeing people getting into our music when we put so much time and dedication into writing the best possible songs we can. Here recently I have been talking to a girl named Emily. She is fantastic in almost any way I can imagine. She loves hockey just as much as I do, has the same morals, and is a very mature human being. She has been through a lot and it blows me away how hapy of a person she really is. To have gone through the things she has would either make her or break her. She is fun, energetic, and crazy but in a good way. She gives me the jitters sometimes. I get nervous around her. Which is saying a lot for someone like me. She makes me very happy. I have also been taking care of myself lately very well. A year ago I started working out and have been stuck on it ever since. I enjoy it so much and have been learning to eat better and more frequently. I have gained 40 lbs in a year of working out. Its an addiction that I am more than willing to continue until the day I pass on. It gives me a natural high feeling like I could conquer the world with whatever I wanted to do. Which just so happens to be music. Music makes me happy. Even the depressing stuff that talks about some verysad things makes me happy because I feel amazing that I can feel that way with someone elses music. It is incredible to feel the feelings we do when listening to music. So I guess yeah I am a very happy person right now. I got so many things going great for me and I want to continue that. Being happy is the most important thing to me in life. Its all I ever stride for. I also enjoy making other people ehappy too though. Take Emily for example. All I want is to make her happy as well because of how she makes me feel. She considers my feelings in just about every situation. She is selfless. Its so rare to find that in someone. We both have talked about just being happy together. 

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