Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Shark Experience

                It was a Saturday morning at 9 am and my father and I were on our way out into the ocean. He was going to take me diving. I had never done this before and I just got my scuba license. I was very nervous and he looked at me and said don’t be afraid you will really enjouy this. We looked into the water and we were looking about 30 feet deep. The water was so blue you could see the bottom of the ocean floor. We hired a professional diver to take us out there and I had no idea what was in store for us. We jumped in and swam to the bottom. In the very beginning I saw a few schools aof fish and a few smaller stingrays and even spotted a giant stringray. We got to the bottom and I noticed the boat captain threw something in the water. Looked kinda orange but had tiny chunks in it. I was just swimming around until I was directed to come near my father and the professional diver Nick. We sat in one tosspot and I noticed not even 5 mintues later a few reef sharks. I am very terriedied of sharks at this point because I do not understand them in any way except they areman eating machines. The diver told me to keep calm and not kget starteled. I noticed that the shark had come up to the diver who had a container in his hand and the diver took a small fish out and fed the shark like it was nothing. He grazed his hand over his fin and the shark was enjoying his company. Not even 10 minutes later we were surrounded by at least 15 reef sharks measuring anywhere between 6-10 feet long some even shorter. He was enjoying feeding them and I had no chainmal armor on so I wasn’t trying anything. I found myself in a trance with them. Ihad forgotten my fear for them completely. They were so fascinating and the wmoment was so calm. Once I had this thought and realized it I noticed the diver petting a shark on its snout. The shark immediately stopped moving and sank to the ocean floor. Only moving its fins I was very confused but amazed. He picked the shark up and brought it over to us and we were able to pet it. The shark did not mind at all. It seemed like a gentle beast. It reminded me of a dog getting its belly rubbed. It could not move and it was just stuck there, the only difference with the dog is it would kick its leg. After letting us pet the shark he brought the shark up completely vertically while continuing to rub its snout. It was completely vertical staring into the hoean floor while its tail was facing the top of the water. The diver was yelling woo hoo so many times and I was just completely in shock. WI was asking myself why.

After letting us pet the shark he brought the shark up completely vertically while continuing to rub its snout.
The shark seemed so calm almost like it completely trusted the diver. It was completely aware of what was going on. It wasn’t asleep or anything just letting Nick do whaterer he pleased. After letting the shark down and swim off the sharks started to swarm him. Not to attack or bite or even get the fish. They wanted him to perform what he did to the first shark on them as well. It was insane and I started to view the sharks as pets even though they were the mot agressibe creature in the ocean. You could tell a difference of the 1st shark from all the others. It had a rope in its mouth. Not quite sure how it got there but I feel nick chose that shark for a reason because once he had pet a few of the other sharks that same shark came back and let him do it to him again. Once he let the shark down it continued to push its snout into his abdomen. After about 10 minutes of swimming with the sharks and witnessing this incredible moment we swam to the surface. I couldn’t help but just yell WJOO when getting the scuba gear off. I was in complete shock almost. I couldn’t believe what I just witnessed. I asked the diver what in the world was he doing dto make the shark do that. He called it tonic immobility. He explained that the sharks have sensors on their snouth that pick up electric pulses. He continued by saying this is 

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